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Todd Phillips Assures Fans Incel Sensitivity Readers Were Hired for Joker Sequel

HOLLYWOOD — Joker fans across the globe were reassured today after Joker: Folie à Deux’s writer and director Todd Phillips confirmed that incel sensitivity readers were used during production.

“There’s nothing more important than fair and accurate representation,” said known anti-union activist and self-proclaimed director Todd Phillips in a press interview. “Our massive audience of incels sees something in Joker. Identifies with him. As a voluntary incel myself, I knew the only way to accurately portray the character was to recruit a team of sensitivity readers well-versed with this culture.”

“It’s important for us to continue to push boundaries,” Phillips continued. “Right now, Hollywood won’t let you say anything controversial. You have to be opposed to Hitler and want a decent standard of living for everyone if you wanna succeed. Well, not on my set. It’s time to take a stand and give voice to the most oppressed minority of them all: men who hate women.”

Todd Phillips wasn’t the only one to speak about the sequel’s direction. Many of the sensitivity readers were happy to speak out about their experience on the film.

“It’s been an honor working on the sequel,” said sensitivity reader Robert Cane. “As much as I’d enjoyed the first film, I had some criticisms. Like the abundance of minorities and how that Sophie chick didn’t immediately sleep with Arthur, even though he clearly deserved it. That was really offensive to the community. But Todd’s looking to make amends,” Cane continued. “He’s already agreed to several important changes, like cutting out any female dialogue that isn’t laughing at Arthur’s jokes, and promising a minimum 80/20 wage-gap split in favor of male cast members. It’s taken until 2024, but finally, men around the world have a film made in their best interests.”

However, amid the praise, concerns have been raised. Some sections of the incel community are worried about Phillips’ ability to continue the Joker franchise.

“Nothing against Todd of course,” said comic book writer and inadvertent gay rights defender Chuck Dixon. “He did a fine job with Joker. If it weren’t for the Hangover 2, I’d be fully on-board with a Phillips sequel. Yet if the past is anything to go by, there’s just no guarantee he’s got what it takes. I mean what was with his insistence on showing us that Asian guy’s dong?”

At press time, Todd Phillips was ushered off stage after breaking down into tears, claiming he was a “nice guy.”

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