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The Ending of “Trap” Explained: Why the Feds Raided Your Theater and Arrested That Guy

M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap, like many of the director’s past works, ends with a big twist. Maybe you’re still reeling from the excitement of seeing Josh Hartnett’s sweet, kissable mug up close on the big screen, and maybe you’re still trying to work out what exactly happened while you were swooning in your AMC recliner. Read on for a full explanation of the final moments of M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap.


Obviously, the first thing you’re probably wondering is, “Why did a team of Federal officers storm my theater, throw a guy on the floor, cuff him, and tase him for good measure?” In order to understand why that happened in your theater, you may need some context. 

Shyamalan, when asked about the ending in an interview with Newsweek, offered the following explanation: “You know the Slicer? That ding-dong whackadoo who goes around just slicing people up? Well, the feds or whatever heard that he was going to be at your screening for M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap, so they set up a trap for him. The whole movie? It was a trap. Kind of dope, right?”

In fact, Shyamalan wrote, produced, and directed the movie Trap in collaboration with his daughter, Saleka Night Shyamalan (who plays Lady Raven in the movie), because the feds got a tip that the Slicer loves two things: M. Night Shyamalan movies, and Saleka Night Shyamalan’s music. “It was a real thrill to write a movie specifically with the goal of luring a murderer into a theater,” said Shyamalan, “In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have written the plot to be so similar to what the feds were planning to do in real life. Oh dang. Good thing the Slicer isn’t very smart.”

As for why the Feds tased the guy after they had already cuffed him, even Shyamalan isn’t sure why that happened and suggests that the reason is up to the viewer’s imagination. “Maybe it’s a commentary on police brutality. Or maybe the guy had a third arm and was about to pull a knife. Or maybe they just don’t like him,” M. Night shrugged.

Trap is currently available on VOD. However, Warner Bros. Pictures does not recommend that you watch the movie in your home. It might turn out to be a trap. 

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