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All the Gods From Smite Ranked by How Likely They’d Be to Answer Your Prayers

Look, we’ve all been there. You’ve got a really important event coming up where you can’t make mistakes, you’re about to ask for a raise, or even just some jagbag cuts you off in traffic — and you feel like the only thing you can do is put your hands together and call on a higher power to set things right. Well, this very long guide will help you figure out exactly which god you should reach out to for help. So read on, and make sure you’re sending your energy to the right place.

130. Thanatos – Hand of Death

One look at his gigantic scythe and you should be able to tell that unless your prayer is to be unceremoniously freed from this mortal coil, Thanatos is not your guy.

129. Bakasura – The Great Devourer

Bakasura just wants to eat, and unfortunately his favorite meal is people. Probably best if you don’t pray to him because you might accidentally tip him off to your location. If you’re desperate, I guess you could try sacrificing a 3-piece chicken meal from KFC, but I can’t make any promises.

128. Achilles – Hero of the Trojan War

Achilles would be more than happy to provide you with an answered prayer — if you’re cool with that prayer being an entire war and your champion having some devastating weakness you won’t find out about until the most critical possible moment.

127. Camazotz – Deadly God of Bats

Sure. Just head over to Camazotz and expose your glistening, nubile little neck. (Prayers will not be answered because you will be dead.)

126. Cu Chulainn – Hound of Ulster

We do not abide by gods that slay dogs, even if they claim it was an accident or in self-defense. See ya later, Kristi Noem.

125. Xing Tian – The Relentless

Maybe this is on me, but I’d love to understand what would drive anyone to even consider praying to a headless god who uses his nipples as his eyes and his bellybutton for a mouth. Maybe he’d answer your prayer, but maybe we could also just not find out what all that mess looks like.

124. Ares – God of War

It’s pretty well-known that Ares does not do anything but fight. Trying to pray to him would be a waste of your time. Unless, that is, your prayer is that you’d like to fight. In that case, I think he’d be more than happy to give you exactly what you ask for. If you’re feeling empowered to fight a literal god, then I wish you the best of luck, my friend.

123. Surtr – The Fire Giant

He has a lot of very important things to guard, and also wields a gigantic flaming sword. What if — and hear me out — we all left Sutr alone before he destroys the entire world? Just a thought.

122. Martichoras – The Manticore King

Martichoras’s whole thing is dominating and devouring humans, so I’d recommend steering clear.

121. Ravana – Demon King of Lanka

Yeah, the “Demon King” is gonna be a no from me, dawg. Ravana apparently cut his own head off 9 times just for some weird kind of Kirkland brand immortality (he couldn’t be killed by gods, but could be killed by mortal men). He’s probably very busy trying to conquer the world and is unlikely to have time for whatever measly slight you’re complaining about.

120. Da Ji – The Nine-Tailed Fox

Da Ji’s favorite thing to do is torture people and make their lives worse. She’s not going to answer any of your prayers, unless those prayers involve making you incredibly uncomfortable.

119. Susano – God of the Summer Storm

Now, Susano might actually answer your prayer. So if you’re wondering why he’s so low on this list, it’s because the only reason he’d do it is as a form of atonement for some horrible thing he did to you first.

118. Kuzenbo – King Kappa

Kuzenbo is basically just a giant snapping turtle. I watched a TikTok once where a guy rescued one from the middle of a busy road and it was extremely unappreciative — instead of being chill, it tried to bite the guy the entire time. I imagine that’s what it’s like attempting to communicate with Kuzenbo. Toss him back into the drainage ditch. Onto the next.

117. Ah Puch – Horrific God of Decay

Ah Puch spends all his time looking for humans to drag to the underworld. If one of your prayers is to be dragged to the underworld (or have someone else dragged), then yeah, reach out. Otherwise, maybe try a different god.

116. Charybdis – The Ceaseless Whirlpool

I know she looks adorable, but Charybdis is like the Bermuda Triangle of gods. Be aware that any message you send her is getting sucked deep beneath the ocean, never to be seen again. Unless she gets one of those vacuum tubes they have at the bank or something.

115. Cthulhu – The Great Dreamer

He’s uh, a bit distracted with the whole “world domination” thing he’s got going on. Probably best to skip asking Cthulhu for help.

114. Loki – The Trickster God

Praying to this problem child would be the epitome of using a monkey’s paw. Whatever you want, you’ll get — but only with the weirdest possible unpredictable negative outcome. Leave Loki to his devices and pick someone else from this list.

113. Baba Yaga – Witch of the Woods

Speaking of monkey’s paws — if you know anything about Baba Yaga, you know she is not the person you want to be asking for help. Anything you’d get from her comes at a price. And her house is literally built up on chicken legs? Just…don’t.

112. Chernobog – Lord of Darkness

Wow, we’ve got a lot of dark lords around these parts, eh? Obviously, they’re all based in different pantheons, but somebody’s gonna have to figure out who the real Lord of Darkness is at some point. Anyway, Chernobog is essentially the devil. So if you’re into Satanism, give Chernobog a ring.

111. Kali – Goddess of Destruction

With a title like “Goddess of Destruction,” I think it’s pretty clear what you’re getting yourself into by praying to Kali. Sure, she’s in a very serious battle against only a specific demon, but hey — maybe we just let her focus on that and give her some space?

110. Raijin – Master of Thunder

Not to be confused with tThor, the “God” of Thunder. Sorry to Raijin, but I’m gonna be real with you for a second: when has a drummer ever come through for anyone? There’s your answer.

109. Set – The Usurper

Set is giving major MAGA vibes. Apparently Set believes he and he alone sees everything that needs to be fixed — and he somehow managed a successful coup (okay, so not quite MAGA then) on his brother so he could take power. Obviously that’s not gonna last. All things considered, Set feels kind of like a “flyover” god.

108. Bellona – Goddess of War

It’s a little ridiculous how many of these gods’ whole reason for existence is fighting, but Bellona is right there in the mix. Unless you’ve got battle plans spread out across your table like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone, keep reading.

107. Shiva – The Destroyer

Not sure why he only ended up with half a nickname, but Shiva is both a creator and a destroyer. He’s busy standing between dark and light, good and evil, and making sure that there’s a balance between the two. Right now, he has his hands full with the upcoming Presidential election, so he’s not currently taking requests.

106. Artemis – Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis’s life goal is to prove that no one is a better hunter than her, and she has managed to trick at least four gods into killing themselves. I’m not sure what else I need to say to deter you from sending a prayer her way.

105. Cerberus – Warden of the Underworld

Cerberus is extremely busy guarding Hades. The only way he’s going to have time for you is if someone manages to get this poor, chained up pup onto one of those ASPCA commercials where Sarah McLachlan sings and a rescue team gets upset enough to set him free. Then, Cerberus will gladly answer your prayers, as long as they entail curling up next to a warm fire.

104. Izanami – Matron of the Dead

Izanami is her name, vengeance is her game. Admit it, you’d be mad too if your husband had promised to free you from the underworld but then got too frightened by your horrifying visage. Unless you want to be in her crosshairs next, probably not the best option.

103. Scylla – Horror of the Sea

Unless your prayer is to not have your ship, the Ever Given, stuck in the Suez Canal, then I don’t think you’re getting an answer out of Scylla. And even then, if you do ask her specifically not to let the Ever Given get stuck in the Suez Canal, she’s probably going to do exactly that.

102. Fenrir – The Unbound

Aww! What a little cutie! He’s definitely not like, craving revenge or something, right? Oh, he is? Rats. Truth be told — either way, Fenrir isn’t going to be answering prayers. First off, he can’t respond because he doesn’t have those little buttons dogs use to talk to people. Secondly, as I mentioned, he’s like a dog with a bone on the revenge front.

101. Fafnir – The Lord of Glittering Gold

It’s all right there in the name: Fafnir is pretty much only concerned with hoarding gold — to the point that he actually turned into a dragon over it. I mean, that does seem like the most classic (or cliche) form to get a hoard going. But unless you’re willing to pay to have your prayers answered, Fafnir’s probably not your guy.

100. Ao Kuang – Dragon King of The Eastern Seas

Speaking of hoards, next up is Ao Kuang — well known for being greedy. Sir, are you aware that the Fed hasn’t cut rates since 2020? We cannot afford to pay for these prayers! I guess Ao Kuang can pride himself in being the patron saint of nepo babies and trust fund kids. Ugh.

99. Hun Batz – The Howler Monkey God

Hun Batz seems great — he’s totally into the arts and is a very cultured dude. However, a bitter family rivalry is probably cooking up some less than ideal attitude issues. Leave him to his sports. Plus — have you ever heard a howler monkey? Are you sure you want to converse with that noise?

98. Gilgamesh – King of Uruk

Gilgamesh is currently occupied with a personal quest for immortality. He has no time to answer your prayers, and also no desire to do anything that isn’t solely centered on him.

97. Odin – The All-Father

Look, Odin has a lot going on. He’s in charge of everything, all the time, it seems. You’re welcome to send a prayer his way, but be aware it’s likely to go into an enormous pile of unopened mail.

96. Arachne – The Weaver

Arachne is…a spider. My personal prayers are to never have a spider in my home, ever. For that reason, I don’t really see myself spending much time praying to one. She’s an excellent weaver of course, so maybe she’d answer prayers for something. It’s just that the only gifts she has to give are moving around too fast for comfort and leaving cobwebs in high corners that you have to swat down with a broom.

95. Heimdallr – The Vigilant

Heimdallr is a really good listener, so he’s definitely worth reaching out to. And he’s got foresight, which means you probably don’t even have to pray to him — he’s already got an idea of what you need. The issue here is that his lore says he lives at the end of “the rainbow bridge” which feels dangerously close to dead pet territory, so it’s a no.

94. Nemesis – Goddess of Vengeance

Nemesis will totally answer your prayers! You’re just gonna have to pay for it with something of equal and opposite value. Want a new job? Maybe you had over a pinky. Looking for love? Hey, your car just got stolen. Get used to it! She’s the punisher of hubris, so like, how dare you even ask?

93. Bake Kujira – Yokai of Despair

Bake Kujira is literally a ghost whale. Unless you’re interested in living inside Monstro’s mouth, it’s probably best to avoid him. He’s got a whole harbinger vibe, anyway. Just go on an Alaskan cruise or something if you want to see a whale up close.

92. Zeus – God of the Sky

Let’s be honest: unless you’re looking for a one-night stand with a goose or something, it’s best to avoid speaking with Zeus, the Nick Cannon of gods. I recommend staying far away from this freak of the week! Could he answer your prayer? Sure. Do you want to birth some freakishly strong god-child? No, you do not.

91. Thor – God of Thunder

Thor “The Tool Man” Taylor is completely inseparable from his special hammer for a special boy. He’s probably the best god to reach out to if you want something smashed (maybe built, if he’s having a good day). Though I can’t really think of a lot of scenarios where you’d want something decimated beyond recognition, so maybe it’s best to look elsewhere.

90. Baron Samedi – God of Life and Death

Who wants to pray to a guy you actually just want to be partying with? Don’t reach out through prayer — just meet Baron Samedi at the club. He’s a fun hang — and anyway, if you asked him for something he’d probably just pull a hilarious prank. Skip the prayer, go to one of those 4 AM bars, and enjoy your night.

89. Serqet – Goddess of Venom

Serqet is only willing to answer any prayers that ask her to exact revenge or vengeance, and only if she can do it by waiting hidden inside the target’s warm shoe.

88. Anubis – God of the Dead

Sure, sure. Anubis is happy to get around to whatever you’re asking for. But this muscly, ripped dog would really like to know how much that tennis ball — er, heart, weighs. If you could hand it over for the scale first, that’d be great.

87. Charon – The Ferryman

Charon will take care of whatever you like, for the cost of a simple coin — especially easy if the thing you want is a little ferry ride. However, the coin he demands is a Gold Sacagawea dollar. Good luck finding one of those.

86. Hachiman – Lord of the Eight Banners

Wow, big shock — we’ve got another warrior here. Hachiman is a bit of a mama’s boy, but would gladly stand up to your school bully on your behalf, though. So if that’s your issue, he’s your guy.

85. Olorun – Ruler of the Heavens

Sure, Olorun could answer your prayers, but he doesn’t want to. He really doesn’t have time for your piddly little human problems. He values his peace and quiet above all. You’re welcome to pray to him all you want, but you’re not getting anything.

84. Aphrodite – Goddess of Beauty

Our girl Aphrodite is H-O-T T-O G-O, baby! She’s gorgeous, of course, and is unfortunately a little too busy looking in the mirror to answer any prayers. You could try leaving one written on the mirror in lipstick, though!

83. Vamana – Fifth Avatar of Vishnu

Even if you pray for something small, Vamana’s going to make it a huge deal. If you’re cool with having everything you dream of blown completely out of proportion and over-exaggerated, definitely pray to Vamana.

82. Tsukuyomi – God of the Moon

I know this is going to come as a huge shock, but we’ve got another dark, brooding, chaotic god in our midst. Tsukuyomi rules the night, so at least he’ll be available when you’re likely to sit down to pray. It’s just — he’s not particularly kind and has a weird food aversion. Maybe not a bad option in a pinch, I suppose.

81. Apollo – God of Music

Apollo is essentially the Justin Timberlake of the Gods. He definitely has the time to hear you out, but feels like stopping to answer your prayer is going to ruin the world tour.

80. Ix Chel – The Light Weaver

With a nickname like “Lady of the Rainbows,” you might think Ix Chel is all sunshine and, well, rainbows. She is decidedly not that. It’s cool that she can turn into a jaguar, but she’s a pass.

79. Kukulkan – Serpent of The Nine Winds

Kukulkan seems nice enough, but he’s one of the many gods that requires sacrifices (and in this case, we’re talking blood — not money). He did create the calendar though, which is big Virgo energy. If you’re willing to lose a little blood, he’s probably pretty solid at handling business on your behalf.

78. King Arthur – Wielder of Excalibur

I’m not entirely sure that this mere mortal-type-god could be particularly helpful, prayer-wise, but he might be a good hang. He’s probably not a bad guy to have on your side anyway, considering he’s been said to have taken on like a thousand men all by himself. If you’re simply looking for protection, he might be a good pick. But I will add: King Arthur has an extremely powerful magician, Merlin, at his side — so maybe just reach out to him instead?

77. Bastet – Goddess of Cats

Another cat lady!! Back off, JD. We should think through this, though. Would you ask your cat for help with something you prayed for? Your dreams, your hopes, your deepest desires? No! Because your cat would metaphorically knock it off the table. Bastet seems nice enough, but everyone knows she’s probably plotting to kill you as soon as you turn your back. And just look at those eyes! Probably not your best bet.

76. Sol – Goddess of the Sun

In the words of Alicia Keys, “this girl is on fire!” Every day, she drags the sun around in a chariot while she’s chased by jerks. She seems fun enough, but I can tell you for certain she is not stopping to answer your prayers right now.

75. Ra – Sun God

Speaking of Sun Gods, Ra is also pretty booked up sailing around the Earth every day making sure the sun rises and falls. He really doesn’t have time to meddle in human affairs. I am wondering, though, if it’d be worth discussing daylight savings with him because I, for one, would not be mad about the sun staying up until 8 PM every night


74. Danzaburou – The Legendary Tanuki

Just look at this adorable little Tom Nook wannabe! Danzaburou loves pranks, and will happily pull them on your behalf — as long as he thinks it’s fun. This means he’s the one you’d pray to if you’d like “Sexual Harassment Greg from Accounting”’s pants to fall down in the middle of a workday. Just be careful what you wish for, or he might pull a prank on you, too!

73. Persephone – Queen of the Underworld

Persephone is only in the underworld because she likes it down there. She’s the type of person who wears SPF 200 and never leaves the house. She’d happily answer a prayer now and again, whenever she’s not eating pomegranate seeds.

72. Chronos – Keeper of Time

You’re welcome to pray to Chronos, if you like. It’s just — the passage of time means nothing to him, so he might hear it, take his sweet time, and then whatever football team you’re hoping wins the Super Bowl has already been dead for a thousand years. So, I guess — yeah, he’ll answer your prayer, probably. But not in your lifetime.

71. Medusa – The Gorgon

Medusa is totally reasonable to speak with, you just have to keep your back to her the entire time. Or keep your eyes closed. That’s not weird, is it? She’d tell me if it was weird, right?

70. Lancelot – First Knight of the Round Table

In a pinch, Lancelot is probably one of the best fighters out there. But if that “pinch” is you sending up a prayer to the gods for a little hand, Lancelot is truly uninterested. He’s duty-bound to King Arthur, and — again — you might as well just go to Merlin at this point.

69. Yu Huang – The Jade Emperor

Yu Huang will answer your prayers. He’s in. His entire mortal life was spent trying to uplift humanity. Just tell him what you need, and he’ll take care of it for you. It’s just gonna take a few centuries while he simmers in a mountain cave and cooks it up. You’ve got time, right?

68. Sun Wukong – The Monkey King

One of Sun Wukong’s god jobs is keeping track of every monkey — so he spends a lot of time answering prayers like, “help me find some fleas on my bestie,” “make my prehensile tail big and strong” and “protect me from these tourists as I ransom their iPhone for a Hostess cupcake.” If you’ve got a tail like the kid from Jumanji, he definitely has time to answer your prayers, too.

67. Mercury – Messenger of the Gods

Mercury would be more than thrilled to answer your prayer, but he’s going to try to do it so quickly he’s going to screw it up somehow.

66. He Bo – God of the Yellow River

He Bo would answer your prayers, if he felt like it. But he’s just kinda chillin’, you know? He’s going with the river’s flow. So like, sure. Whenever he gets around to it.

65. Sobek – God of the Nile

Sobek is true neutral as far as gods go, so that’s why he makes it directly in the middle of the list. Nothing good is likely to come of praying to him, but probably nothing bad, either. Maybe just a good god to vent to if your therapist is not covered by insurance.

64. Ne Zha – The Third Lotus Prince

Hey, if you’re gonna be a Lotus Prince, third time’s the charm, right? Although, admittedly, staying in the womb for three full years is kind of mama’s boy behavior, Ne Zha is a powerful god. He’s still a child, so pray to him at your own risk. If you have to spend hours explaining what “please have a terrible incident befall my manager at the 4th quarter all hands,” that’s on you.

63. Ishtar – Goddess of Love and War

Ishtar is going to hook you up with whatever you need, as long as you pray to her and only her. She demands loyalty, so don’t screw it up.

62. Tyr – The Lawgiver

Tyr is 100% Lawful Good at his core. It’s not that he won’t help you — he will — he just doesn’t really seem like a good time, you know?

61. Ratatoskr – The Sly Messenger

This fuzzy guy is an adorable little gossip. You can totally pray to Ratatoskr for help, but you should know that literally every other god is going to find out exactly what you asked the tiny squirrel boy for. And he’s probably not gonna help you get it, anyway.

60. Mulan – The Ascendant Warrior

Let’s get down to business. Mulan is strong, powerful, and totally down to answer your prayers. Just don’t tell her they took all the music out of the live-action version of her Disney film.

59. Chang’e – Faerie of the Moon

I don’t doubt for a second that Chang’e is the type of god to want to help out a person in need — I mean, she even has an adorable little rabbit companion! She’d be willing to answer your prayers, but she’s stuck on the moon like Luther from The Umbrella Academy so it’s kind of tough for her to actually get the job done.

58. Anhur – Slayer of Enemies

Another warrior god! Anhur isn’t just a fighter though — he’s well known for being exceptionally cuddly and clever. Even though he’s prone to battle, he might not be a bad choice for prayer problem solving.

57. Xbalanque – Hidden Jaguar Sun

Xbalanque once tricked his enemy into having all his fancy gem teeth pulled out by a couple he encouraged to pose as dentists, so he kind of seems more like the God of Tooth Extractions, if you ask me. Pray to him for protection from a fraudulent DDS.

56. Terra – The Earth Mother

Most of Terra’s existence has been spent either supporting her children overthrowing their father or her grandchildren overthrowing her son. This seems like a very intense amount of work for someone who’s supposed to be Mother Earth. Terra will answer a prayer or two, but be wary of appearing too hubristic — she and her brood might overthrow you next.

55. Hel – Goddess of the Underworld

Hel is actually surprisingly helpful, contrary to popular belief. If you need to pray on behalf of an elderly neighbor, she’d jump right in to help. Especially if that neighbor needs to have his driver’s license taken away before he drives through your front lawn a third time. Hel’s very concerned about whether or not someone is “good” or “bad,” but she always helps the good.

54. Jing Wei – The Oath Keeper

If there’s anybody who knows how to get things done, it’s Jing Wei. Sadly, the thing she’s trying to get done is the Sisyphean task of filling the entire ocean with stones, but who can blame her when it’s full of horrifying monster-like creatures? An awful place. Anyway, she’ll be more than happy to answer your prayers as soon as she finishes her task.

53. Khepri – The Dawn Bringer

Khepri is a guardian and protector, but he’s also one of those scarabs that rolls up poop into little balls. Maybe he’s helpful, maybe not. Either way, he’s got poop on him.

52. Discordia – Goddess of Strife

As you can probably guess from her name, Discordia enjoys sowing discord and is incredibly clever. Overall, not the worst choice for a prayer when you’d like to send two of your friends that didn’t settle up after a bachelorette party at each other’s throats.

51. Agni – God of Fire

Stuck in the woods without a flint or a match? Agni is definitely your guy. Guys? Guy. He’s likely to be very good at hearing your prayers with all four of those ears, too.

50. Yemoja – Goddess of Rivers

Yemoja is definitely the god you want to reach out to if you’re planning on going on a cruise. She’d be more than happy to protect the girlies from whatever heinous norovirus is spreading throughout the cabin.

49. Skadi – Goddess of Winter

This winter dog mom is only interested in answering prayers that have to do with the cold. Like, if you need a Stanley cup to keep ice in it if your car catches on fire, Skadi’s your gal. Summer-related stuff is a no-go, though.

48. Morgan Le Fay – The Dark Enchantress

Who can blame Morgan Le Fay for storming out of King Arthur’s court because his wife didn’t want them to be friends anymore? Girl, read your man’s text messages while he’s asleep and leave Morgan out of it. Either way, Morgan is worth praying to when you need to do some FBI-style snooping on your ex-boyfriend’s new girl when her Instagram is set to private.

47. Vulcan – Smith of the Gods

If your prayers are to receive jewelry and/or weapons, Vulcan is the god to pray to. He can make that type of thing easily, and he loves doing it. Maybe even if those aren’t your prayers you should still try to get something expensive from him anyway…

46. Poseidon – God of the Oceans

Ego, much? Poseidon will answer your prayers, but he’s doing it with an agenda in mind. And that agenda is that he will be your favorite god forever, or else. (I’ll let you in on a little secret though: the “or else” is just that he’s gonna be super disappointed.)

45. Pele – Goddess of Volcanoes

Pele created Hawaii, so she’s like, seriously powerful. But considering Mark Zuckerberg is busy building an insane bunker deep within her magnum opus, she might have her hands full right now. Pray to her in a few years when she’s figured out how to get all the billionaires’ private property.

44. Ymir – Father of The Frost Giants

You have approximately five more years to get a prayer answered by Ymir before he becomes unavailable after melting due to climate change.

43. Cabrakan – Destroyer of Mountains

Cabrakan would move mountains for you. As soon as he wakes up.

42. Amaterasu – The Shining Light

This “Golden Girl” will be absolutely thrilled to answer whatever prayer you send her way. Ideally, that prayer is for a cure for seasonal affective disorder.

41. Osiris – Broken God of the Afterlife

Osiris is down to hook you up with whatever you need — his only requirement is that you put a super rad portrait of him inside your overly complex pyramid-shaped casket. And be nice to him, okay? The guy got chopped up into tiny bits by his brother. Not a great experience, I’d wager.

40. Rama – Seventh Avatar of Vishnu

Rama is one of the few gods out there that actually knows what it’s like to be human, so he totally gets it. He’ll definitely answer your prayers, right after he finds his wife. Which’ll only take…maybe forever.

39. Ullr – The Glorious One

Sure, maybe Ullr could do a little prayer answering for you. I’d definitely send a prayer his way — especially if you’re going skiing. Last thing you want to do is forget how to do your little pizza wedge shape thing so you can slow down.

38. Thoth – Arbiter of the Damned

Thoth really wants to help you, as long as your prayers and desires aren’t prone to chaos. If you’re serious about your needs, he’s in. But he only responds for really major stuff, so don’t waste your shot with him by praying for ice cream or something silly.

37. Artio – The Bear Goddess

First things first: make sure that Artio isn’t in hibernation when you send her a prayer. If she is, well…better luck next year. If she’s not currently hibernating, make sure she’s not in Bear Mode celebrating Fat Bear week. If she is, well…better luck some other time. But if you catch her awake and in human form? You’re golden.

36. Guan Yu – Saint of War

It’s not every day you see the nickname “Saint of War” used to describe an actually nice guy who sticks to his word. The guy waited years for his brother to reappear, so he’ll definitely stick around for you, too. Send your requests to Guan Yu. He’s got your back.

35. Maman Brigitte – Protector of the Dead

This god’s for the ladies! Maman Brigitte has your back. She’s gonna hear those prayers, listen, give advice, and then bring the fun to a girl’s night out.

34. Hou Yi – Defender of the Earth

Hou Yi saved the Earth from 9 super harsh suns. I wonder if he might be willing to return and slay some of this atmospheric carbon we’ve got going on? I think we should all shoot a quick prayer his way before the ocean temperature rises another degree.

33. Nox – Goddess of Night

Nox is a total babe. Whatever you’re praying for, she’s there for you. In fact, she’d love nothing more than to make sure you feel safe and protected. Sure, she’s gonna answer your prayer while blindfolded, but nothing she hasn’t done before. I think.

32. Tiamat – Goddess of the Salt Sea

Tiamat is the queen of creating things from what, I guess, the Babylonians believed to be some kind of primordial goo. If she can whip up something from nothing, she can answer your prayers. Especially when it feels like you’ve got a whole lot of nothing going on in your life.

31. Eset – Goddess of Magic

A great ruler, mother of all pharaohs…Eset is an absolute powerhouse. She’s kind, smart, and will have no problem picking up your strewn body parts should a horrible murder befall you. As long as you’ve ingratiated yourself to her.

30. Erlang Shen – The Illustrious Sage

You should definitely reach out to Erlang Shen. He’s strong, powerful, and wants to take care of folks. Highly recommend sending a prayer his way, especially if you’ve got a dragon harshing your mellow.

29. Jormungandr – The World Serpent

It’s said that Jormungandr will bring about the Norse apocalypse. But until that happens, what’s the harm in sending a prayer his way? He’ll either bring about the end of days by replying, or not. Who could blame you for putting an end to late stage capitalism?

28. Nike – Goddess of Victory

Nike had her hands full as hell during the Olympics. I wonder how she decides whose prayers for victory she answers? Maybe it depends on whether or not you’re wearing her branded shoes or workout gear. Either way, if you’re in some kind of competition, you should definitely go to her.

27. Atlas – Titan of the Cosmos

We can give Atlas a pass — it’s not like he knew Ayn Rand was going to royally screw up his brand. He mapped the heavens, so he’s obviously really into astrology. I think there’s a really good chance he’ll answer your prayers if you’ve got the right kind of crystal setup. But good luck figuring out which agate represents which prayer.

26. Freya – Queen of the Valkyries

Freya will for sure answer your prayers. Everyone loves her dearly, and she’s fun and sweet. A girl’s girl who should be in your regular prayer rotation. She loves flowers, pleasant company, and love songs. Freya will make sure you have a brat summer.

25. The Morrigan – Phantom Queen

Okay sure, she looks really mean in this picture. But what’s not to like? The Morrigan controls fate and is a combination of three different sisters. You’re getting a three-fer on this one! Sure, seeing her around might prophesize your violent end, but I still think it’s worth a shot. She controls fate, for crying out loud!

24. Cliodhna – Queen of the Banshees

Of course Cliodhna has a bad rep with a title like that. But rumor has it that she commonly does favors for mortals as long as they treat her with her due respect. Sounds like answered prayers to me!

23. Geb – God of Earth

Yes, Geb will answer your prayers — but only if they’re about your backyard vegetable garden. You’ll want to reach out to him about things like: having a bigger harvest, less mealybugs, and not mixing up your Cuban Oregano with your Italian Oregano.

22. Ah Muzen Cab – God of Bees

The title of “God of Bees” sounds ominous, but he’s actually a pretty solid dude. He’ll answer any prayers you have as along as they are about honey. He’s having a rough time right now keeping all his corps safe. We must protect Ah Muzen Cab at all costs.

21. Horus – The Rightful Heir

An excellent choice for your prayer. Horus is Good with a capital G and will help you out wherever he can. As long as it falls in line with his personal beliefs. Don’t ask for anything that could be misconstrued.

20. Nut – Goddess of the Sky

A protector of the innocent who cares deeply for mortals, Nut is probably one of the nicest gods available. Honestly, I think I’d probably be pretty nice too after making it through the entirety of Junior High with a name like “Nut.”

19. Maui – Hero of Hawai’i

What can I say, except that Maui will forever be tied to The Rock’s portrayal of him in Moana? Maui is a trickster, which would normally be a detriment. However, every trick he perpetrates is to the benefit of his people. You should absolutely send Maui a prayer. He’s got your back.

18. Chaac – God of Rain

Chaac is very devoted to mankind. I mean, he creates rain so that we can tell someone “the weather’s too bad” and cancel our plans. What’s not to like? He’ll gladly answer your prayers. Just tell him you don’t have the money to get your car washed after a bird pooped on it and he’ll get right to work.

17. Kumbhakarna – The Sleeping Giant

If your prayer is to have the best nap of your life, Kumbhakarna is your guy. Also Mucinex DM, but that’s not a god so I digress. Anyway — as long as he’s awake feel free to pray to him for a good night’s rest. If you’re lucky, he’ll hook you up with one of those dreamless slumbers where you wake up in the morning feeling like you’ve spent the night on another planet.

16. Zhong Kui – The Demon Queller

Intelligent, but supposedly terrifying to look upon, Zhong Kui offers the ultimate protection from demons. Send a little prayer his way if you see the Republican nominee for Vice President enter your donut shop.

15. Awilix – Goddess of the Moon

Awilix is one of those “childless cat ladies” that JD Vance is always talking about. She does not play and will absolutely get things done for you. Her jaguars, while terrifying, are at least good at organizing.

14. Hercules – Champion of Rome

If your lease is up and you’ve got a move planned, it’s worthwhile to send a prayer over to Hercules. He’s essentially the god of lifting heavy stuff. I know for sure he’d help, even if for no other reason than it’s an excuse for him to show off.

13. Janus – God of Portals and Transitions

If you’re going through any type of big change, it’s worth praying to Janus. His whole deal is helping people through transitions, making life easier, and he’s also keenly aware that the cake is a lie. All systems go.

12. Cernunnos – The Horned God

Cernunnos will answer any prayer you send his way as long as you don’t do anything harmful to nature. Yes, that means if you want something from Cernunnos, you had better catch that creepy millipede in the bathroom in a jar and gently set it outside.

11. Neith – Weaver of Fate

Neith has done more for mankind than just about any other god. She feeds people, she clothes them, she makes a weird weaving thing so she can track them after they die. Pray to Neith. She’s like a strip center situated behind an outlet mall.

10. Hera – Queen of the Gods

Hell hath no fury like a woman whose husband won’t stop creating God-children with every woman he sees. Pray to Hera about getting revenge on your crappy ex. She’s on board.

9. Chiron – The Great Teacher

Half horse, half man, all kind and gentle. Chiron is a great warrior who prefers books to battle. He’d be more than happy to answer your prayers, especially if they’re about something like your AP Biology exam. Send him the good stuff. He’ll help.

8. Merlin – The Master Wizard

As I’ve said previously — if you were thinking about praying to King Arthur or Lancelot, I’d recommend skipping them and moving straight to the source: Merlin. Merlin’s down to answer some prayers, but it would probably help grease the wheels if you’ve got a seat of power nearby that he can hover around.

7. Athena – Goddess of Wisdom

She’s a patron of all who fight with dignity; she loves virtue and demands to be worshiped with a righteous fervor. But she’s a good fighter. You have to decide what’s most important: giving Athena the attention she deserves so she can have your back in every bar fight for eternity, or finding another god who might do that for nothing?

6. Nu Wa – Guardian of Heaven

Nu Wa is well known for ruling over a long age of recovery and prosperity, so I can’t think of many gods better to send a prayer to. Not only is she likely to answer it, but she’s likely to go so above and beyond that your life ends up better than you planned. She’s an excellent choice.

5. Hades – King of the Underworld

Hades seems so spooky with a title like “King of the Underworld,” but he’s really not a bad guy. He’ll successfully answer your prayers, but only if he doesn’t have to leave his house (relatable).

4. Bacchus – God of Wine

Bacchus is out here holding feasts, partying, and enjoying himself 24/7. As long as your requests don’t interrupt his events, he’ll do what he can to assist. And if your prayer is to attend a fancy and fun event, you’re in luck! Bacchus can get you Eras Tour tickets. Have fun!

3. Sylvanus – Keeper of the Wild

Sylvanus is a kind, nature-focused god who’d be more than happy to answer any prayer you send his way, as long as it doesn’t require him stepping foot on concrete. He’s even nice enough to let you say “I am Groot” in his vicinity without completely destroying you.

2. Ganesha – God of Success

Generous, warm-hearted, and optimistic, Ganesha can clear any obstacle out of the way for anyone he deems honest and hardworking. Keep your conscience clear and remember: an elephant never forgets.

1. Cupid

We’ve got ourselves a certified lover boy, baby! Especially if your prayers include finding a partner and finally deleting the apps, well, you know Cupid’s your guy. And he’s happy to do it! All you have to do is let him shoot you with an arrow. That’s fine, right?

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