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5 Online Games That Look Just Educational Enough to Trick Your Substitute Teacher

You walk into your classroom and realize with a shiver of elation that you have a substitute teacher today. Soon, it’s tech time, which means it’s time to find a game online that you can plausibly tell the teacher is, “something you’re allowed to play because it’s educational.”

We’ve compiled a list of games that look educational enough to satisfy an exhausted freelancer who just wants to get to the end of the day without talking to you for too long.

1. Casino World Free Online Poker

This one requires some thinking ahead. We recommend only playing Free Online Poker if you know at least a day ahead of time that you will have a substitute, since you’ll need to steal your Dad’s credit card. Once you’re set up, however, just tell the sub that you’re “studying probability.” They’ll nod in appreciation and wander back to their desk. 

2. Roblox

Before playing Roblox, evaluate the age of the sub. If they’re over 30, chances are they’ll see geometric shapes on your screen and assume you’re learning about polyhedrons or some crap. If the sub is under 20, however, you’ll have to do a little extra work. You’ll need to make your avatar a shirt that says “Numerator” on the back and change your username to “Multiples of 12”. That should be enough.

3. Runescape

Technically, Runescape is old enough to count as a history project in some curriculums, but even if it doesn’t, you should have no trouble passing this game off as educational. Turn down the graphics settings, and Runescape looks identical to any history game you’d play on IXL or ABCmouse or whatever weird program your school uses. 

4. Minecraft, but make sure to build some things first

Minecraft is unfortunately pretty recognizable. Statistically, you own a backpack that gives away what Minecraft is. So if you want to play Minecraft with a sub around, start by building the following:

  • A big red “2”
  • A big blue “+”
  • A big yellow “1”

Congratulations! Depending on your grade, you’re either learning your colors or learning addition.

5. Fortnite, but with some preparation

If you want to play Fortnite on your school computer, you’re going to need to bribe the tech guy early in the school year. A couple of Starbucks gift cards should do the trick. Next, you’ll need to purchase and equip the Peabody skin. Once you’ve done these things, all you have to do is tell the substitute you’re playing a “nutrition game.” Never mind that nobody plays games about nutrition anymore. They did when that sub was in school. Ask your parents about Chex Quest sometime.

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