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Discord Friend Sharing Deepest Feelings Really Fucking With Comms

WAR ROOM – Drew Valley, 33, is reportedly sharing some of his most intimate feelings and reflections on life with friends over Discord, absolutely fucking comms beyond belief.

“I guess I felt a lot of pressure to be a certain way, never showing weakness,” Valley reportedly said as the other team retreated and started to head to B. “I guess after I got married I’m realizing there’s more to being a man and husband than what I thought when I was young. You have to share how you’re feeling to be a good partner. Well, at least to some point, you don’t wanna be too soft… I’m dead and they planted the spike by the way.”

Topics crowding out comms reportedly included Valley’s decision to propose and what marriage means to him, supporting his wife through her recent layoff, and many other things instead of the fact a teammate was hearing footsteps all over the place.

“I love Drew, and it’s great to hear him opening up and trying to live his best, most full life,” Eric Ramon, a teammate and friend since elementary school, said. “At the same time, we’ve gone 0-3 since he started talking about his father’s death.”

“Drew’s dad sounds like he was a great guy, but I only have so many hours I can game a week,” he added.

Sources on the team report being mostly happy for Valley, despite the losing streak.

“I feel like he comes from a reserved family so it’s good he’s expressing himself. He’s my friend first and foremost and he told us all he’s doing much better after learning more about himself and what he wants from life,” Christian Baker said. “But legitimately what’s the point of playing if we’re not even going to try?”

At press time a new group chat was created to schedule gaming sessions which mysteriously did not include Valley.

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