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Rockstar Announces ‘GTA 6’ Came Out 4 Months Ago and They Forgot to Tell Anyone

NEW YORK — Earlier today, Rockstar Games announced that Grand Theft Auto VI was actually released to the public several months ago, and their marketing department just forgot to tell anyone about it.

“The game’s been out longer than Red Dead Redemption remastered,” confirmed Sam Houser, president of Rockstar Games. “We were all pretty surprised when no one was talking about it. Was everyone too busy bitching about Starfield or something?”

The most recent entry in the Grand Theft Auto series has generated years of hype among fans, yet it’s been collecting dust on store shelves for some time now.

GTA 6 is the culmination of a decade’s worth of hard work, and we all just assumed no one gave a shit,” confessed designer Leslie Benzies. “I’ve always thought that the franchise would become irrelevant at some point, but this seemed much faster than we were expecting.” 

Sources within the notoriously laid back company say that management is being very cool about the whole thing.

“It’s whatever,” said Houser. “This stuff happens. The important thing is that no one’s feelings get hurt.” 

At press time, disappointed gamers lamented the fact that they could have been killing anonymous virtual prostitutes this whole time.

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