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Ben Shapiro Confirms ‘Barbie’ Just as Ridiculous the Third Time You See It

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Conservative personality Ben Shapiro uploaded another review of Barbie to his popular YouTube channel, insisting that the movie is just as tone deaf and insulting the third time you see it, sources have confirmed. 

“Folks, I’ve just finished a matinee screening of Barbie at my local cinema,” began the boy’s newest video. “And let me tell you, it is just as appalling an attack on males and our place in society as it was the first and second time I viewed it. The strong attendance at the Tuesday afternoon showing I went to just shows that Americans are so incensed with this movie that they simply need to study it again and again, to help uh, eloquently focus on what is wrong with it.” 

Many reactions to Shapiro’s latest Barbie review allege that he likes the movie more than his reviews would let on. 

“I’m still not sure why he went to see it in the first place,” said Gordon Cramer, a local movie theater employee. “But I get it, he’s got a pipeline of converting absolute rage and fear into food on his table, so of course he’s going to blather on about the most popular movie of the year when it’s critical of misogynistic bullshit. But also, I think he just secretly likes movie a lot. I sold him a large popcorn and soda and he was singing the song from the beginning before he realized I could hear it. He probably just doesn’t want the weirdos that follow him to know he likes it. Poor kid.” 

Greta Gerwig, director and co-writer of the billion dollar grossing Barbie said she was thrilled with the film’s continued success after its opening weekend.

“I really couldn’t have asked for this all to go any better,” she said. “Thank you to all the fans, and especially the ones who’ve gone to see it again and again. Whether you’re going with all the girls from work, or you’re a silly little fella scribbling notes in the back of a theater all by yourself, this movie truly belongs to everyone.” 

As of press time, Shapiro had begun reenacting whole scenes from Barbie in his latest video to show everyone how ridiculous it was. 

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