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Excessively Meta Video Game Seems to Know That it Sucks

SAN FRANCISCO — A new video game with numerous meta references sure seems to be aware that it’s ultimately a pretty crappy game, sources have confirmed. 

“That’s clever, I guess,” said local gamer Jonah Lott, shortly after playing a demo of Sucking It Up!, a new 3-D platformer that stars a vacuum named Sucky. “It kept breaking the fourth wall and complaining about every video game trope that we discovered. I’d suck up 100 more XP and unlock a new move like a double jump and Sucky would roll his eyes and talk shit about how generic it was, but then I just used the double jump a bunch in the next portion of the game. I don’t get it. So is it stupid or not?” 

The developers of Sucking It Up! hope their debut game makes an impact. 

“We obviously love video games, but we also wanted to poke a little fun at them,” said Michael Schneider, the game’s director. “We started writing down every trope that we could think of to satirize, and eventually what we had up on the whiteboard started to sound like a pretty fun video game, so it actually sort of worked out. You can get away with all kinds of shit if you just make your main character, in our case Sucky the Sentient Vacuum Cleaner, say something like, ‘Oh great, another boss fight. I hope this one also fights me using repeating patterns.’ Boom, now you’re doing commentary and it’s okay if it’s predictable and nobody’s having very much fun. It’s a pretty nice set-up, really.”

Some gamers, however, weren’t pleased with the satirical tone of the flawed game. 

“So I spend money on a video game to tell me the other video games I play are stupid?” asked Tonya Warren, a local gamer who was skeptical of Sucking It Up!’s entertainment value. “Sounds like a blast, fellas. Hey, if you ever find the way out of your own asshole, maybe you could just embrace the medium for what it is and find the time to enjoy something? Satire and video games are two different mediums entirely. Keep them away from each other.” 

Sucking It Up! will be released this holiday season. As of press time, developers announced plans to ironically release overpriced DLC later this year that doesn’t really add anything to the game, as part of the bit.

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