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Complimentary Nose Plugs Handed Out at Comic Con

SAN DIEGO — In a health-conscious move, attendees at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con will be given complimentary nose plugs to block any and all offensive odors that might be encountered at the festival.

“In the past, we put up signs saying that guests must adhere to minimal standards of grooming, but at a certain point, there’s really only so much you can do,” said Event Coordinator Thomas Lockley. “Distributing nose plugs is the same thing as handing out masks because of COVID. Some people will go kicking and screaming against it, they’ll get indignant, clutch their pearls and talk about their freedom, but ultimately, we have to keep in mind that some people just have weak immune systems that aren’t built for Comic-Con smell. Also it’s optional.”

This year’s San Diego Comic-Con will feature screenings of Blade Runner and The Thing, guest speakers like Pierce Brown and J. Scott Campbell, and smells like Cool Ranch and Axe body spray.

“Ultimately, we just want to make sure everyone has a good time,” said publicist Olivia Cortland. “And we don’t pass any judgment on the guests’ hygiene… but there’s a reason Shatner stopped coming to these things and it wasn’t because anyone thought his music sucked.”

At press time, the nose plugs were being placed in small, pre-prepared gift bags, which will also feature lengthy apology letters from author George R.R. Martin for having not finished The Winds of Winter yet.

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