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Man Wearing Tee K.O. Shirt Successfully Gets Little Bit of Attention He Wanted

MUNCIE, Ind. — Sources have confirmed that Charlie Mullins, a 36-year-old accountant and Jackbox Games enthusiast, achieved his goal of receiving a teensy morsel of attention for wearing a comical shirt his friend designed in the Jackbox Party Pack 3 game Tee K.O.

“When I ordered this shirt, I knew it would eventually pay off,” said Mullins. “It was just like a movie; I was walking down the block to grab a slice during my lunch break, examining the face of each person that I walked past to see if they’d notice the hilarious shirt that my buddy Mark designed. I kid you not, on my 4th lap around the block, there was a woman who glanced at the crude drawing on my shirt, squinted at the caption below, and I swear to you — she grinned at it!”

The woman Mullins walked past, Sarah Cleveland, 24, believes Mullins may have misread the passing interaction.

“I apologize for any mixed signals I may have shown that gentleman,“ said Cleveland. “I’ve played Tee K.O. before, so I get it, but I would never consider purchasing and wearing a shirt depicting SpongeBob SquarePants smoking a blunt with the caption ‘sometimes it do be like that.’ This isn’t even to mention the fact that I’ve seen him walking around that same area of downtown wearing it every day for like a month now.”

Mullins’ coworker and friend, Mark Pineda, was honored when Mullins bought the shirt he designed, but confirmed the honor diminished quickly thereafter.

“The shirt has significantly changed our friendship,” confirmed Pineda. “Don’t get me wrong – when Charlie first walked into the office and unbuttoned his work shirt to reveal my Tee K.O. design underneath, it was hilarious. But then he did it again the next day, and the day after. Now he keeps asking me if I’d like to come play Tee K.O. with him again, but I just feel pressured to recapture the magic. On the other hand, he really needs some new shirts in his wardrobe, so I might just do it.”

At press time, sources confirmed that Mullins isn’t actually wearing the exact same shirt every day, but rather that he purchased seven identical shirts with Pineda’s design to cycle through on a weekly basis.

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