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Twitch Front Page Just 10 Streamers Reacting to Each Other’s Controversies

ST. LOUIS — Users of the popular gaming and livestream website discovered that the entire front page was just a variety of streamers reacting to each other’s controversies Tuesday morning.

“What’s up dudes, no games today, we have to talk about what SuperCaleb did this week first, it should only take five or six hours,” began the top streamer of the day Logan Wilde, aka LogInForLogan. “I know I play games with Caleb, we’ve had a couple meetups, stream collabs, and we’re currently roommates, but after this controversy, I realize I never really liked the guy at all. I find what he did to be manipulative, he’s a gaslighter, and he’s love bombing, and all the other buzzwords that let you know he’s a bad person.”

Wilde’s reaction to the controversy became the second-hottest controversy discussed on the platform that day.

“Can you believe what Logan said about Caleb? We gotta talk about that,” said another top streamer Kelly Ryan aka KellyPlayz. “Chat, I want to give you my side on the Logan versus Caleb debacle, I’m very upset. I can’t believe Logan would turn his back on his friend like this, I have a lot of thoughts on the matter that I’m going to both stretch out for several hours as well as condense them into a ten-second short for social media.”

After Ryan’s reaction went live, other streamers flocked to the platform to give their insight.

“Wow, this is crazy, I just heard about Kelly trashing Logan,” said streamer Phillip Boss. “Just in case you missed it, let’s watch her entire stream in real time while my face hovers silently in the corner and occasionally makes a tense face. I know I’m just a channel that speedruns Super Monkey Ball and nothing else, but I felt like I had a duty to weigh in on this matter.”

At press time, sources noted that Caleb, the initial streamer in question, had finally broken his silence to react to Boss’ reaction to Ryan’s reaction to Wilde’s reaction to his controversy.

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