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Gaming Exec Makes First Positive Impact to Company by Passing Away

SAN FRANCISCO — History was made this week as Clearsight Games CEO Steve Andman made his first-ever positive impact to the company by passing away.

The Clearsight offices were filled with mostly positive emotions after Andman’s death was announced during an all-hands meeting.

“Honestly, this is the first positive thing he’s done for the company and probably the industry at large,” said QA Lead Stacy Santino. “I’ve been here for eight years and can’t think of one contribution he made to any of our games until now. With him out of the way we’ll have so much more freedom to add features to our games that gamers actually like.”

After the announcement of Andman’s death, workers at Clearsight Games reported their most productive day ever.

“I feel like I’ve gotten a week’s worth of work done today,” said Karl Jameson, a gameplay animator. “Steve used to come in and tell us to make all sorts of changes based on something he overheard two people talking about at a restaurant, then he’d leave for the day by noon. We’d constantly lose days worth of work then a bunch of us would be fired for the delays.”

Steve’s executive assistant, Ryan Altman, expressed more somber feelings upon hearing about Andman’s passing.

“I feel bad for Steve’s family. A family member passing away is sad no matter what. His third wife graduates college next week and I’m sure she would have wanted him to be there.”

While the impact of Andman’s death will no doubt be felt across the company as a whole, his lasting impact will be on the safety of female employees at Clearsight Games.

“I can finally come into work and not have to worry about being hugged from behind or followed to my car,” said Val Johnson, a Network Engineer. “It’s just a huge weight off the shoulders of all the women who work here. I really think this will have a great impact on the office culture.”

At press time, the new CEO of Clearsight announced that Andman’s various Yachts will be sold at auction and the proceeds will go to the hardworking people who make the company what it is, the shareholders.      


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