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Gamer With 4 Games Breaks Record for Largest PS5 Collection

DES MOINES, Iowa — Local gaming collector Ryan Meadows has achieved a world record for having the largest collection of PS5 games with four.

Guinness World Records spokesperson Jefferey Lewis announced Meadows’s record in a press conference held just outside Meadow’s garage which doubles as his man cave where he keeps his collection.

“We at Guinness World Records have seen a lot of large video game collections. Lots of people have thousands of games just for one system so not much surprises me anymore in the video game collection space. But when I saw Mr. Meadows’ collection I was taken aback. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to have this many PS5 games but there they were, all four of them proudly displayed on his shelf in between a large collection of PS4 games and a large collection of Nintendo Switch games.”

Meadows got teary-eyed as he spoke about his collection to the press.

“I’ve been cultivating this collection for years. I’ve been in the trenches with the PS5 since day one. My wife tried to stop me, telling me that spending that much money on a gaming console with no games was a waste of money and that it would be better spent paying off our mortgage or helping with my dad’s cancer treatment but I knew it would pay off,” Meadows had to stop to compose himself before continuing. 

“I’ve been collecting video games since I was a kid and I’ve cultivated something I’m really proud of. I have hundreds of Switch games, hundreds of PS3 games, thousands of SNES games, and so on but my PS5 collection is special. It’s the only system I own every single game of. It took a lot of patience and a lot of waiting for games to be released, like agonizingly long periods of waiting for games but I’m glad I stuck with it. I love my collection, well maybe not Forspoken but it’s decent enough. I’m honored to be recognized by Guinness World Records and I know if my dad were still alive he’d be proud of his boy.”

At press time, Meadows is eagerly anticipating the announcement of the fifth PS5 game so he can grow his collection further and also announced plans to start an Xbox Series X collection once there are games to collect for it.

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