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Our Writers Need a Day Off So Here’s a List of Some Reddit Comments

Hello, readers! Welcome back to Hard Drive, your favorite destination for gaming news. We’re excited to bring you yet another day filled with our hard-hitting independent reporting on the gaming industry. Unfortunately, our writers are pretty burnt out because there’s been a whole lot of interesting gaming news lately. They’ve also been stuck inside for most of the year, which is okay when it’s voluntary for gaming reasons, but stress-inducing when it’s involuntary due to quarantine. 

So, if it’s alright with you, they’re just going to take the day for themselves to catch up on sprucing up their backlogs buying a bunch of games you’ll never have the time to actually play is demanding work. And in lieu of brand new, lovingly handcrafted gaming and culture opinions by the minds behind Hard Drive, here’s a smattering of randomly selected Reddit comments. Enjoy!

You don’t give a shit where your internet content comes from anyway, right? Hell, you’re probably not even reading this because you only like the headlines! So without further ado, here’s some fucking Reddit comments:

They also have the smallest penis compared to body ratio of all the apes, google that factoid, shit is basically non existent. Meanwhile the chad human has the largest compared to body ratio.”

u/detten17’s comment on the thread, “TIL an average silver back can deadlift 1800 lb and their grip can crush a crocodile’s skull | They are 4 to 9 times stronger than an average human male.”


“All I know is that for Rochelle, it was a strange, erotic journey.”

u/havermeyer’s comment on the thread, “The biggest protest in the history of Belarus is happening right now in Minsk”, presumably referencing Rochelle, Rochelle! The Musical, the fake musical that exists in the TV show Seinfeld.


“I like that you implied modern society is Europe and not North America. And yes Jesus is a Jew and brown from the middle East, people tend to forget about that.”

u/carpenterio’s comment on the thread, “Hozier performs “Take Me To Church” in a NYC subway”


“Hi im a Disney shareholder and is currently own a fraction of a share. What kind of income we talking here?”

u/TrialBySnoo’s comment on the thread, Disney Admits Mulan Controversy Pileup Has Created a “Lot of Issues for Us”


“I masturbate fine, I only cited those subreddits to show the damaging effects of porn. Also, what are the pros of porn?”

u/BRBean’s comment on the thread, “Parents shouldnt get kids a phone till middle school”

We thought about adding some comments of our own… but eh, fuck it.

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